Thursday, November 6, 2008

Project and Technology Development Methodologies

Rather than be the trillionth blogger writing on the subject of Agile, refactoring, Test-Driven-Development, domain-driven-design, and other practices and paradigms, I'll lay out some pragmatic principles to keep in mind when executing projects, no matter which development practices you adopt. In the rush to absorb the hottest trends, we should keep in mind the tried-and-true principles that still work:

Start with iterative and incremental. Project phases are well and good, but in order to complete a project successfully, the path to completion needs to be traversed. And yes, you must have an idea of your destination. But will you wait until all requirements are specified to the last detail before moving on to any architecture or design concerns? Will you have a design project phase that takes into account the current state but fails to connect with the changes in the world three months later when the design phase is completed?

If you break down your project phases into iterations, with a guaranteed feedback session at the end of each iteration, you will be much more likely to keep up with changing requirements and conditions. You will also be able to identify failing efforts sooner, before they cause damage later.

Start as soon as you can. One of the common reasons for project slippage is that some critical component or project dependency was not available earlier in the project cycle. Was it because the need for this component was not forseen? No, it was just not available at the appropriate time. One way to mitigate this is to start working on these components after just enough baseline requirements have been gathered. You may spend a little more up front to support this initial development, but it will cost you far more in the long run should you end up in an ill-timed slippage scenario. The ways it may cost you range from longer development cycles to mis-timed market entry to project personnel turnover. These are big-ticket costs.

Military leaders are trained to make decisions with 40% to 70% of the information necessary, and regularly provide feedback as more information is available. You can do the same on projects and be very effective.

Do your Risk Management. As stated so eloquently in the fantastic treatise on software project management Waltzing With Bears, "Risk Management is Project Management for adults." Listing and valuing project risks is something that can be done to 100% completion up front. But the great (and sometimes painfully realized) thing about Risk Management is that 100% completion is often not enough. Here is a great place to be iterative and incremental in providing feedback loops on the state of risks, mitigating circumstances, and changing requirements. If you build the iterations and feedback loops into your risk management on a project, the rest of your project practice will need to follow suit just to keep up.

You'll also be more inclined to tackle project deliverables that resolve the greatest risks first. The sooner these risks are resolved, the more accurately you can publish a date range for delivery.

Test early and continuously. Your project exists in some form from start to finish. It may start on paper, and live in hardware and software at the finish. But in whatever form it exists, it can be tested. As new requirements are gathered and formulated, test cases can be drafted and pitted against the project's assumptions. As new hardware is installed, its images and monitoring agents can be configured and proven. As new code is written, test cases can be written before or alongside the code.

Don't wait for a project to be 50% or 75% completed to start drafting up test cases and setting up a test facility. Automate much of your tests if you can, so that they can be run at least once a day. Automation is again a case of a little more effort up front, saving much more cost and headache later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A project will still fail by following these guidelines if the business sponsors do not know how to run a project because the development team will be overwhelmed with scope creep, changing requirements, and eventual frustration. And ultimately the company suffers from developers leaving the company for better opportunities.