Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A blog is born...

Welcome to my latest venture! This is the place to read about and discuss why effective leadership in uniting Business and IT goals and groups is so crucial for organizations, as they thrive and work to maintain their edge in a competitive marketplace.

This blog will cover:

- topics on leadership and unity of Business and IT groups of thriving organizations

- real-world anecdotes of effective (and not-so-effective) technology and business leadership

- people profiles and topics, to consider some outside viewpoints

- what it means to be an Exception-Tolerant Organization (ETO). I will flesh out this concept and its principles and practices in the coming days.

Who should read this blog:

- technologists of all levels looking to make a greater impact in their work and their organizations, and actively working to sharpen their growing edge of leadership

- business owners, executives, managers, and associates seeking more fulfillment and assistance from their IT groups and partners in accomplishing their business objectives

I hope that the blog will provide insight and open up a dialogue to improve leadership at all levels of an organization as we face the challenges ahead of us in the rest of 2008 and beyond.

Happy Reading!
Jason Sliss

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